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Installable Wallets

Getting started

Building BitShares-UI browser based reference wallet depends on node version 16 using a non-root user.

On Ubuntu or macOS, the easiest way to install node is to use Node Version Manager.

Install nvm according to your platforms recommendation and set the version

nvm install v16
nvm use v16

Once you have node installed, clone the repository using the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/bitshares/bitshares-ui.git
cd bitshares-ui

Before launching the UI you will need to install the packages using yarn on a non-root user:

yarn install


If you’d like to host your own UI somewhere, you should create a production build and host it using NGINX or Apache. In order to create a prod bundle, simply run the following command:

yarn run build

This will create a bundle in the ./build/dist folder that can be hosted with the web server of your choice.

We use Electron to provide installable wallets, available for Windows, OSX and Linux Debian platforms such as Ubuntu. First, make sure your local python version is 2.7.x, as a dependency requires this.

On Linux you will need to install the following packages to handle icon generation:

sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y icnsutils graphicsmagick xz-utils wine-stable wine32 gcc-multilib g++-multilib

For building, each architecture has it’s own script that you can use to build your native binary:

For Linux npm run package-deb
For Windows apt-get install wine32 dpkg --add-architecture i386 npm run package-win
For Mac (Should be compiled using MacOS) npm run package-mac

This will compile the UI with some special modifications for use with Electron, generate installable binaries with Electron and copy the result to the root build/binaries folder.


Clone this repository, run docker-compose up and visit localhost:8080